Tuesday 10 December 2013

Gemini Full Moon and Venus Retrograde

by Kelley Rosano

The Gemini Full Moon on December 17 is a party Moon. The Full Moon is a break from the intense growth and striving you have done. This year has required you to step up. Release what is not serving you. Embrace your authentic nature. Be in your full power. Time is accelerating. This year has flown by and so too will next year. The Gemini Full Moon says that it is time to celebrate your life.  Celebrate your victories. Even the smallest of accomplishments are worth noting. When you focus on what is working in your life. This creates a current of positive energy. You are a magnet for good things to flow to you. You are irresistibly attractive. People will be drawn to you. People will want to know your secret for success. How are you Always Thriving?
                   You can tell them that it is your attitude of gratitude. Appreciation for life keeps you going.  You value the challenges and the adversities. You see them as your teachers.  You see the present as perfect. Things may not be as exactly the way you want it. However, you see the present as the perfect path to realizing your dreams.  This helps you to pay close attention to your present circumstances. This empowers you to discover and create a path to actualizing your vision. You are focused on your success. You are focused on what is positive in your life. You are using the power of your focused intention to live your best life.
                     The Full Moon is in chatty Gemini. You could feel an information overload. Don't allow your mind to run away with you. Mercury is Gemini's ruling planet. Gemini is known to be quite talkative. Mercury in Sagittarius is opposing the Full Moon. Sagittarius is known to inflate the facts. It is easy to over exaggerate both your wins and losses. You may have the gift of gabbing. This could lead you to much ado about nothing. A few hours after the Full Moon, Uranus moves forward. He has been retrograde for five months. The universe is saying, "Take a giant leap forward." Be open to the new, the weird and the original.  Uranus wants you to take a walk on the wild side. Insights and ideas can come from the wildest places. Help could come to you from the people you least expected. Epiphanies emerge empowering you.  These are perceptions in how to improve your life. Action steps in the right direction.
                   Pluto and Uranus are a roller coaster ride of change and transformation. You will have good days and challenging days. You can expect the unexpected. Sometimes shocking surprises are jaw dropping. Relationships can blow up revealing long held tensions. Uranus and Pluto bring sudden endings. They can serve up a fresh start that you may not want but sorely need.  Stay flexible. Surrender resistance. Control is an illusion. The only thing you can control is yourself. How you respond to what is happening. Make no judgments. Assume nothing; wait until you have the full story. Use the Four Agreements to guide you. They are grounding in this sea of chaos and confusion.
                  The mood shifts as the Sun enters Capricorn on December 21. Happy Solstice! The Sun in Capricorn brings with it a sober tone.  In Capricorn the check comes due for the big party you had in Sagittarius. Venus retrogrades just hours after solstice. Venus will be retrograde until Jan 31, 2014. Venus wants you to review and reflect on what you love and value. What is most important for you? The area of your life that Capricorn rules in your natal birth chart is up for review. Venus is saying it is time to upgrade your life. Align your goals with what you love and value and you will be successful.
What do you love and value?
What do you want in your relationship?
What do you need to be fulfilled?
What is true for you?
What do you like, enjoy and cherish?
                   Venus in reverse is not an ideal time to begin a new relationship and/or a creative project. Things may be in a constant state of flux and change. What you are attracted to today. You may not be tomorrow. Conditions are ripe for misunderstandings. There could be misrepresentations. Venus retrograde can create delays, setbacks and/or false starts. On the brighter side, this is an excellent energy to evaluate what you need in your relationships. Is your relationship adding value to your life? Soul mate relationships empower you to grow into your best Self. Karmic relationships drain you of your time, energy and money. Single people can use this time to reflect on what you want and need in your next relationship.  The True Values Program and the True value lists help you to discover what you love and value.  Relationships from your past can come back. A reunion with old friends and/or lovers is healing and fun. Reunions are a wonderful use for a Venus retrograde. Is there someone from your past that your heart is calling?
                  Venus retrograde is brilliant for going back to finish projects. She is useful for examining talents, skills and abilities you are under using. Creative endeavors you may have not had the time for up until now. Venus is retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. This is excellent for reviewing your financial matters. Venus in reverse is good for creating new and improved financial strategies. These you will use when Venus is direct. How can you make improvements in your money and investments? For instance, invest 10% of your time to maximize the other 90%. This would be a nice ROI (Return on Investment). Get focused. Remove the distractions. Be more efficient. Start on your path to financial independence even if it doesn't seem realistic. Do what empowers you.  Here are 25 Secrets to creating the life you want. 
What is working in your life?
What is breaking down?
What action steps can you take to improve your situation?
                   Mercury enters Capricorn on December 24. On the one hand, he provides you with great practicality to fulfill your ideas and dreams. Mercury can empower you to clarify your objectives. He helps you to get real. Be grounded. Mercury can show you action steps to reach your goals. On the other hand, Mercury will reveal what is pure fantasy.  This includes where you may be fooling yourself.  Mercury will point out what is not working. Integrity is your spiritual back bone. Integrity keeps you on the straight and narrow. Integrity protects you from those who would lie and deceive you. Be in your integrity. Stay focused on your goals. Allow others to learn from their experiences. In this way, you can navigate the terrain of those who are sincere and those who are not. 
                     Christmas could come with a bang. The Moon is in Libra. She is coupled with Mars. They are activating the Pluto/Uranus and Jupiter grand square. Some people may be irritable and cranky. Emotions can be raw and urgent. Breathe deeply. Ground yourself.  Keep a sense of humor. Be of good cheer. Be the calm in the storm. The Sun and Mercury join forces on December 29. Pay attention to signs and synchronicity. There is magic in the air. You could receive an important message this day. You could have aha moments. New Year's Eve may be intense. Mercury couples with Pluto and squares Mars on December 31. You might want your boxing gloves for the party. We go into the New Year with the Pluto/Uranus Grand Square intensely activated. The Capricorn New Moon rings in the New Year on Jan 1. We awaken too many of the planets in challenging aspects with each other.  Warrior Mars is on his war path. He is not happy in peace loving Libra. You could be feeling frustrated. Channel your energy into walking, meditating and relaxing. Doing something you love. What makes you feel good? 
                    The Gemini Full Moon message is to celebrate your victories. Take a moment to pause. The pause is important. The pause empowers your health, well-being and vitality. Celebrate what you have learned. Celebrate your growth. Celebrate how far you have come. Pluto and Uranus are a force for good in your life. Get in the driver seat and empower yourself. Be honest with yourself. Stop arguing for your limitations. Take responsibility for your life. In this way, you can change what is not working. You are the master of your destiny. Take your power back from society and/or other people. Learn from your mistakes. Vow to do better next year. Make a commitment to your success. Be adaptable. Make friends with change. It is not the enemy. Change is your friend. Change sheds the old and gives birth to the new. What part of you is ready to be born? 


Thursday 21 November 2013

Venus in Elements and Houses

by Luc De Jaeger

The elemental division is one of the foundations of astrology.

Together with the modalities, they are the building stones and blocks of what we call the Tropical Zodiac.

The 4 elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) each represent a quality of being and a state of matter.

The Elemental Division

Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Whenever a planet or body changes an element, its background (theme) changes too.

You can't go wrong materializing the elements in all their forms to find out what they mean in our physical world and how they would work out.

What we will do now is delineating Venus, the archetypal planet of love, in the different elements.

However, Venus is just more than the planet of love.

It's also a receptive force, the planet that represents our taste, that which we want to beautify, that which brings harmony and peace into our life, among others.

Venus in the element Fire

Fire is always making itself noticeable and when Venus is in Fire it does not come as a surprise that Venus takes the first steps in matters of love.

Because Fire is 'showy', you will see Venus in fire and flame when love knocks at the door.

Venus in Fire radiates warmth and is full of enthusiasm.

It easily gets excited.

Venus in Fire may love an atmosphere that represents its element: candlelight dinners or enjoying a drink or meal in front of a fireplace may bring Venus in Fire in the right mood.

When in love, Venus in Fire becomes very spontaneous.

Venus in Fire loves upbeat events to attend.

It cannot stand passive situations that are found to be too boring.

Venus in the element Fire needs some action and (adventurous and/or outdoorsy) activities.

Venus in the element Earth

Earth is the most moderate and modest element of all, and also the most 'heavy.'

It radiates rest and calmness.

The element Earth is the most physical element that you can actually take and keep in your hands.

It's the most tangible one and that's why Venus in Earth needs tangible tokens of love in its life.

No talks or chatter but 'real things'!

Venus in the element Earth may love an outdoor picnic or a romantic dinner with flowers on the table.

Earth is very nature-loving.

Venus in Earth loves a hug, a gentle stroke or touch on the skin or a massage -- all things material or physical.

Venus in Earth can be very sensual but it's also very reticent and easily holds within.

Venus in Earth is very dependable and needs matter to live in and around.

Venus in the element Air

Air is the most volatile element that you most often can 'hear from far.'

Indeed, Air is noisy and with Venus in Air expect lots of talks and chatter.

Venus in the element Air is communicative and loves to inform.

Air is very mental and cerebral and, unlike Earth, dislikes physical contact.

Unlike Water, Air does not feel well when emotions come up.

That's why Venus in Air may often give a rather detached and cool impression.

Venus in Air always needs some sounds (music for example) in the environment.

When in love, Venus in Air becomes very talkative.

Because Air is a positive (extravert) element, Venus in Air wants to go out and meet people, socialize and connect one way or the other.

Venus in Air is superficial (not penetrating nor attaching) and therefore is often called the 'social butterfly.'

Venus in the element Water

You seldom hear Water, it's the most silent element of all.

Venus in Water is a very private and retentive position.

Silent waters run deep and Venus in the element Water just loves deep emotional and spiritual (soul) connections.

No words needed.

That's why Venus in Water is very subtle and a little shy in matters of love.

Because Water is a negative (introvert) element, it's not blunt or bold.

Venus in Water loves a watery environment (near a fountain, enjoying a walk along the Beach,...).

Venus in Water needs a secret or private place to withdraw.

Venus in the element Water seldom takes the initiative.

Water is the most sensitive element and Venus in Water easily feels hurt.

The atmosphere is of the highest importance to Venus in Water.

Venus in Water can be quite clingy at times and it has to learn to let go.

Venus, in general, is the planet of relationships and beloved ones. It represents all that is beautiful and harmonious and it promotes balance.

The house Venus is found in, tells more about the environment in which you find balance, well-being and harmony.

Remember that the houses represent the environment and point to WHERE things happen.

In other words, Venus in the natal houses will describe where you find balance, beauty, beloved ones and relationships.

Unlike lots of other sources, we are only listing empirically and statistically researched delineations.

We split up the delineations in 'general meanings' (irrespective of the gender), descriptions which were found to be more significant in male charts and the meanings that were found to be more significant in female charts.

This way, we hope to bring some top-notch and more to-the-point descriptions not found anywhere else.

Also know that when Venus is conjunct a house cusp but not in the house itself, the delineations may not apply.

When Venus is just in front of a house and not in the house itself, the planetary meanings start to differ because Venuus acts like a connector binding both houses together in some way.

Planetary aspects to Venus may alter some of the descriptions as well.

The same holds true for the zodiac signs Venus is posited in that may alter the background of how Venus manifests.

When Venus is conjunct another body or planet or if there is a stellium in the house Venus is posited in, the delineations may vary too.

The delineations we provide are archetypal meanings found in charts where Venus is the only planet in the house.

Descriptions in bold are very significant and almost infallible.

Venus in the 1st natal house

In general:

  • charming and seductive personality
  • wants to please and be courteous
  • has a striking physical appearance
  • self-indulgent
  • indecisive

In male charts:

  • a womanizer or woman-pleaser
  • needs an attractive woman

In female charts:

  • wants to be found attractive
  • needs appreciation
  • wants to be desirable
  • soft and sensual

Venus in the 2nd natal house

In general:

  • wants to have a beautiful lifestyle and spends lots on possessions
  • materialistic
  • self-worth depends on financial and material success
  • shows off
  • one of the most loyal positions
  • very attached to a group (family, partner,...)

In male charts:

  • needs an upper-class or very stylish woman
  • dresses stylish
  • a collector

In female charts:

  • the shopaholic
  • takes delight in good food
  • strong physical senses
  • can be very attached and loyal to the partner

Venus in the 3rd natal house

In general:

  • The 3rd house is the most unstable and 'wandering' of all and hence not the best one if you want a stable love relationship and/or marriage.
    Venus in this house tends to find love in the 'immediate environment'
  • may have a (very) beautiful voice
  • a graceful communicator
  • very good at languages and/or writing and/or talking
  • the bookworm
  • the story-teller
  • craves compliments

In male charts:

  • needs a cerebral and intelligent (well educated) woman
  • may find love in the neighbourhood
  • can talk every woman into something
  • can sell anything

In female charts:

  • talkative and a seductive voice
  • continuously in contact with a lover (texting, phoning,...)

Venus in the 4th natal house

In general:

  • home-loving (home sweet home)
  • needs a beautiful, peaceful and harmonious home free from discord
  • increase in harmony and well-being ('wealth') later in life
  • may meet real love only later in life
  • loves to wear casual clothes
  • lives a more balanced and harmonious life in the last part of life

In male charts:

  • needs a woman who is home- and/or family-loving
  • demanding

In female charts:

  • very sensitive to the surroundings
  • the home-decorator

Venus in the 5th natal house

In general:

  • in love with love
  • loves to gamble or speculate
  • loves exquisite and/or luxury goods
  • highly romantic ideals
  • very creative and artistic
  • may have an artistic or gorgeous daughter

In male charts:

  • a very sexual position
  • showy and too vain
  • self-centered and self-serving

In female charts:

  • can be very attractive
  • playful and wants to have fun
  • loves some drama (in the movies, theatre,...)

Venus in the 6th natal house

In general:

  • the workaholic
  • prone to on-the-job romances
  • the researcher and analyzer
  • skin trouble
  • self-indulgent
  • indecisive

In male charts:

  • love often starts at the working floor or with co-workers
  • often more female co-workers than male co-workers
  • less selective
  • prefers a subordinate position instead of being the boss

In female charts:

  • needs a man who helps her in everything she does
  • friendly
  • loves small animals (dogs)

Venus in the 7th natal house

In general:

  • gives a good first impression
  • sociable and popular
  • cannot be alone and needs 'someone else' to share life experiences
  • the multitasker
  • often attracted to partners with similarities (like the same first name, the same style, appearance, job,...)
  • needs a refined partner
  • loves to organize

In male charts:

  • wants to shine with and present his wife everywhere
  • compassionate

In female charts:

  • very attractive and stylish
  • interest in fashion
  • loves intrigues
  • cannot stand silence

Venus in the 8th natal house

In general:

  • erotic
  • a very charismatic position
  • love and sacrifices (emotional turmoil) go hand in hand
  • may work in the fields of banking, insurances, taxes, ...
  • entangled love unions and relationships
  • a compulsive need for a partner

In male charts:

  • very passionate
  • may live excessive
  • inherits and/or receives possessions/money from women

In female charts:

  • needs money to raise her status
  • may sell herself for money
  • money and love go hand in hand
  • may experience inertia

Venus in the 9th natal house

In general:

  • love affairs or unions in foreign countries and/or with foreigners and/or with people who have a different social background (culture, race,...)
  • needs an original lover
  • inspirational
  • love triangles

In male charts:

  • needs a playful woman
  • adventurous and/or sports-minded

In female charts:

  • loves to tease
  • helpful

Venus in the 10th natal house

In general:

  • "Love me!"
  • rather vain: wants to be noticed for his/her beauty, style and/or charm
  • wants to look good in public
  • very goal-oriented

In male charts:

  • needs a woman who can shine
  • needs a supportive woman
  • the woman helps him in raising his status
  • needs lots of attention
  • can be manipulative and an intriguer
  • loves uniforms
  • feels guilty towards women

In female charts:

  • never leaves home without make-up
  • a sweetie
  • increasingly suspicious towards men
  • love affairs with higher-ups or men who have a well-defined position in our society or in a group (the boss or employer, men of importance, men in uniforms...)
  • a marriage for status or money
  • a model (may love to pose)

Venus in the 11th natal house

In general:

  • sociable
  • friends become lovers
  • highly inventive
  • often a party-goer
  • very idealistic
  • unpredictable behavior in love unions
  • needs a clean and light environment

In male charts:

  • influential female friends
  • almost always has a mistress

In female charts:

  • gets well on with children of the partner or the others' children (fond of children)
  • lots of female friends (the 'girls club')

Venus in the 12th natal house

In general:

  • poverty in childhood and/or may have felt neglected in childhood
  • loves to sacrifice as a means to be liked
  • secret (platonic) love affairs, unrequited love
  • love = sacrifice (giving more than receiving) resulting in some dissatisfaction
  • protects its privacy
  • very devoted

In male charts:

  • love and sorrow go hand in hand
  • solitary, reclusive and contemplative
  • the painter

In female charts:

  • widowhood. This is a position that most often shows that the woman will survive her husband
  • needs a silent or reclusive partner
  • fear of sex (diminishes the sexual expression) but often craves intimacy
  • serves the partner
  • easily hurt
  • too vulnerable and submissive

Saturday 21 September 2013

Solstice Points in Synastry

European astrologers much more use traditional astrology that incorporates the method of the solstice points in chart analysis.

In most European astrological software programs, the solstice points are calculated in many ways while in English astrological software programs, the solstice points are not featured in the same way, not implemented very well or just lacking.

That's why doing astrological research pertaining to the solstice points is not easy and very time-consuming.

What are solstice points?

Solstice points are actually mirror points.

Every single degree in a horoscope wheel has a mirror degree or counter degree, mirroring its distance from the solstice axis on the opposite side of the chart wheel.

Because planets, bodies (like Asteroids), midpoints, Fixed Stars and sensitive points (the angles, the Part of Fortune, hypothetical planets,...) are posited at a certain degree in the horoscope wheel they too have their mirror point or counter or solstice point.

For a more in-depth understanding of solstice points or antiscia, we refer to this article by Deborah Houlding .

How to find the solstice points?

The zodiac signs for antiscial connections are as follows:

Sagittarius - Capricorn
Scorpio - Aquarius
Libra - Pisces
Virgo - Aries
Leo - Taurus
Cancer - Gemini

This denotes that every degree in Sagittarius has its counter degree (solstice point) in Capricorn, every degree in Virgo has its mirror degree in Virgo etc.

The Contra-antiscia (mirror) signs are:

Aries - Pisces
Taurus - Aquarius
Gemini - Capricorn
Cancer - Sagittarius
Leo - Scorpio
Virgo - Libra

This denotes that every degree in Taurus has its counter degree in Aquarius, every degree in Cancer has its mirror degree in Sagittarius etc.

You can find a conversion table of all the degrees in this pdf document by Darrelyn Gunzburg.

However, you can easily calculate and find the solstice points yourself, as follows:

The sum of the degree and its mirror degree (or solstice point) always equals 30°.

To calculate the solstice point subtract the degree placement of the planet from 30 (take 29°60').

This makes 29°60' - degree A = solstice point A and the zodiac sign can be read from the list above.

If Venus is at 14°58' Aquarius, its solstice point is at 15°02' Scorpio (14°58' + 15°02' = 30°00').

It's the same workflow to calculate the contra-antiscia.

Note that the contra-antiscia of a certain degree is always 180 degrees opposite the antiscia point.

The meaning of solstice points

These mirror points reflect hidden connections that are not visible to the eye.

When planets or bodies in the chart of person A hit (conjunct) a solstice point in the chart of person B, it can represent a hidden connection between both persons.

The orbs to be used may not exceed 1°. Only exact-to-the-degree (at the same degree) conjunctions count, and for a reason.

Because every single degree in a horoscope wheel has a mirror degree and every degree can be occupied by many different objects (planets, midpoints, Asteroids,...) you can prove anything when using wider orbs.

This is unscientific the more so because when using wider orbs, you will have overlapping influences of other mirror degrees (of midpoints, Fixed Stars,...).

This way 'everything can work' and that's not what builds the essence of a chart comparison.

We always use very narrow orbs and exact aspects. It's not one single aspect (or solstice point) that marks a relationship, but the combination of them.

After all and similarly, it's not one single piece of the puzzle taken in isolation that gives you the cover of the puzzle!

The interpretation of the solstice points is similar to interpreting conjunctions but may act more like a hook -- for good or bad.

Solstice points bind together, but not always in a positive way.

Actually, it's still the planetary combination that is important and that will tell if the connection is challenging or not.

Venus at the solstice point of one of the angles of the partner work out in a very auspicious and affectionate way for example, while Saturn-Mars connections may work out more difficult.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Natal Midheaven in Sagittarius

(Bernice Grebner)

First Decanate (Sagittarius-Sagittarius): These visionaries are lucky in their choice of vocations and setting of goals. They are best in a travelling job, for they are using their restless, wandering-type natures creatively rather than in a nonproductive way. They are also good counselors. Their ideas are expansive and, because they are, the natives are bound to advance.

With Gemini-Gemini on the IC, the person is influenced not to stay in one place too long but to move around from home to home. If he does stay in one place, he may not be in that home very much. This 4th house Gemini likes people and prefers to live among a wide variety. This can give more than one home at the same time (this is the ideal). It may give brothers and sisters living in the same home (after marriage, that is), or the sisters and brothers visit a lot, so it seems as if they live there.

Second Decanate (Sagittarius-Aries): They have a certain amount of luck and, by exerting much energy along with it, they succeed and acquire quite a bit of money. However, they spend it pretty fast. They are out in the open with beliefs, and are desirous that faith should inspire others to do something special.

With Gemini-Libra on the IC, the mental indecisions come in connection with a home and the domestic life. They want homes very much but cannot make up their minds where they are happy. They need only the proper balance, but can't seem to find this balance. Although they seem quiet and peaceful, they are not. There can be too much emphasis on the partner's finances and what the partner contributes to domestic expenses or how much the partner spends.

Third Decanate (Sagittarius-Leo): They have big ideas, but their hearts must be in their careers or they don't do as well. If they can have strong leadership roles, they will put everything they have into their work. They are charming and know how to attract people to them because they know just what to say. They think big, and usually get big results. The vocation may require travel, but behind every business trip you can bet there will be fun and games included.

With Gemini-Aquarius on the IC, they are restless to the core of their being and like to move from place to place. They like to rebel against tradition. They can be very radical. They renew themselves easily through liberal ideas. They are not bound by crystallized opinions that keep others in bondage. At their soul's point they are free. Their hang-ups may be their friends; perhaps they are driven by an insatiable urge, which makes them feel as if they never have enough comradery in their homes.

(Frances Sakoian and Louis Acker)

These people can succeed as executives who have a great deal of vision, but they are not always practical. They often work in the fields of education, religion, and travel, achieving fame in these areas through their religious and spiritual accomplishments. They are likely to be considered philanthropists and are generous in their professional contacts.

With Gemini on the IC, these people travel a good deal and often change their residence. They have a tendency to establish two homes. There is usually a large library in the home. They communicate extensively with family mambers and give a great deal of thought to domestic affairs.

(Dane Rudhyar)

Gemini at the cusp of the fourth house tends to provide changing situations while the process of personality integration takes place. The tree of personality may be like a palm tree or a sequoia with a very wide and extensive network of roots not far below the surface, instead of a deep-reaching taproot. Concentration on very basic feelings may be somewhat difficult. The individual may have antennae feeling for multiple impacts and stimuli for growth, rather than a solid and secure realization of what he actually is and stands for as a person. The danger is for a strong and clever ego to develop as the efficient and perhaps proud organizer of complex life experiences.

Much depends in such a case on the sign at the Ascendant. In most instances it will be either Aquarius or Pisces; only in the far north could it be Capricorn, a steadying influence. An Aquarius Ascendant may stress idealism and / or social discontent; a Pisces Ascendant would tend to give a touch of transcendance and perhaps psychic instability to the Gemini foundation of the personality. And the positions of planets in the fourth house could considerably modify and polarize the typical Gemini characteristics, either adding restlessness or stabilizing the intellectual structures upon which the person depends for inner security.

(Jeanne Avery)

With the luckiest planet in the zodiac ruling the tenth house of career, the Sagittarius MC person can have great good fortune in areas of public life. Jupiter is the planet that is associated with enthusiasm, humor, sales, wealth, wealth of spirit, and good luck. Sagittarius on the cusp of the tenth house describes optimism and the constant need for goals and challenges in career matters. There is a strong possibility that one with this Midheaven will have several careers in one lifetime, as he becomes bored if a challenge is missing. If he can find an occupation that he cannot conquer completely, he will be successful.

When Jupiter is well aspected in an individual chart, the photographs he took of the parent of the same sex describe a happy-go-lucky parent, optimistic, perhaps religious, wealthy financially or wealthy of spirit. He sees that parent as one who is successful as a result of contagious enthusiasm and optimism. If Jupiter is not well aspected, the parent may have had severe disappointments in life that precondition the normal optimism of the personality. Since there is strong identification with the parent of the same sex in choice of career, it can be important to realize how devastatingly a parent's disappointment in the career arena can affect this person. In this event, the Sagittarius MC person may hesitate to be truly successful, in order to remain on the same level as that parent.

With a strongly aspected Jupiter, the parent encouraged the child to set goals and express enthusiasm in public life. If not, the parent may have inadvertently warned the Sagittarius MC personality about the danger of disappointment. In the positive sense, the relationship between parent and child was happy, optimistic, philosophical, and enjoyable. With a difficult Jupiter, the Pisces personality may have experienced great disappointment from that parent.

A certain degree of spirituality, perspective, or vision and hopefulness is necessary for involvement in film or theatre.

Home life, later life, and the parent of the opposite sex are described by the fourth house in a chart. With Gemini ruling here, the individual photographs the parent of the opposite sex as being especially witty, verbal, interesting, and exciting intellectually. Depending on the aspects to the planet Mercury in the individual chart, he will either have exceptionally good communication with that parent, respecting his or her ideas and thoughts, or have disagreements.

The planet Mercury, ruler of Gemini, is the planet associated with the adult ego state, in terms of Transactional Analysis. The adult part of oneself is the fact collector, with clear thoughts and ideas to be expressed. Strong opinions can be associated with the planet Mercury, as well as any intellectual activity such as writing, analyzing, researching, or studying. If that planet is well aspected in a natal chart, the association with the parent of the opposite sex is mentally stimulating, with shared ideas and witty discussions. The joy of the exchange of opinions and ideas leads to a later desire to have a home where ideas and thoughts are shared and examined.

If Mercury is not well aspected, the potential for disagreement with that parent is strong, and photographs of that parent are apt to focus on mental stress, flightiness, and criticism. If Mercury is badly aspected to Saturn, for instance, the parent may tend to think negatively, or be insecure about his or her intelligence. If Mercury and Mars are in difficult configuration, the parent may be sarcastic or caustic in discussions or with expressing views. When the Moon and Mercury are badly aspected, there is a tendency to speak and think emotionally or with lack of precision or clarity. Difficult combinations between Mercury and Jupiter can bring about a tendency to say too much, oversell, or promise more than can be delivered.

Whe Mercury and the planet Uranus are not in good aspect, there is potential mental stress for the parent of the opposite sex. He or she may have an erratic way of speaking, with thought and ideas tumbling forth in jumbled profusion. In extreme cases, the parent may have feared a mental breakdown at some point in his or her life. Too much 'electricity' coming into the brain may produce scattered ideas, rapid speech, and confusion in mental expression.

When Mercury and Pluto are in difficult aspect, there is a tendency to manipulate with words; the individual tends to say what he feels the weather will bear. The parent may have been a compulsive talker as well, fearing he would go unnoticed unless he poured forth a marathon of words. Mercury and Neptune in difficult aspect describe a tendency to overanalyze concepts and destroy dreams by nit-picking. The parent may have stressed practicality instead of encouraging the Gemini IC child to follow his dreams. These aspects describe not only the personality of that parent but also the quality of the relationship between parent and child.

Home life tends to be a place of activity with Mercury ruling this house. If Mercury is well aspected, the constant sharing of ideas will be stimulating and enjoyable, but if that planet is not well aspected, the personality may periodically have to get away frmo the overwhelming mental activity. Ideally, this person would like to have a salon where he could combine fascinating people from literary and artistic worlds, making his home a meeting place for the exchange of great thoughts. He will no doubt have a vast library or at least a special place for the books he collects. Since Gemini is a dual sign, he may need two homes in order to gain perspective and find occasional mental peace. One home may be more of a hideaway, the other a more public place. Each place may have a distinct personality of its own. The Gemini IC may find that his inclination to writ and express concrete intellectual ideas increases as he grows older. He begins to bring many of his idealistic views into clearer focus, and learns how to clarify many of the vague ideas that formerly floated through his mind. He can become a brilliant speaker or writer, lecturer or teacher. Mental stimulation will certainly continue all his life.

Source: http://god-messages.com/news/midheaven-sagittarius.htm

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Natal Venus Uranus Connections

by Luc De Jaeger

In previous Love Letters, we delineated the Mercury Venus, Venus Mars and Venus Pluto connections.

Now it's time to delve deeper into the Venus Uranus connections.
In most cases, the following configurations are used (there are more though (!) to define Venus Uranus connections but this would lead us too far and make it more complicated than necessary):

    Venus in the 11th house
    Uranus in the 2nd or the 7th house
    the ruler of the 11th house in the 7th house
    the ruler of the 7th house in the 11th house
    the ruler of the 2nd house in the 11th house
    the ruler of the 11th house in the 2nd house
    Venus in a close conjunction, square or opposition with Uranus (a very exact sextile or trine counts too but in a minor way)
    Venus at the solstice point of Uranus
    Uranus in Libra or Taurus
    Venus in Aquarius

When at least three of the above listed analogies or connections can be found in the natal chart, we have a very powerful Venus Uranus connection that will be felt and noticed in the character and life of the native.

What do Venus Uranus connections signify?

The Venus Uranus connection is a very independent one that does not like clinging too someone.

Most often, relationships are short-lived and/or lived at a distance.

As long as the relationship remains 'light' and does not become too formal or 'heavy', persons with strong Venus Uranus connections are able to maintain the relationship long-term.

That's why people with powerful Venus Uranus connections most often dislike a marriage.

There is fear for deception and the inability to live emotionally bound together.

The Venus Uranus connection is the opposite of the Venus Pluto connection in that Venus and Uranus don't like co-dependency and prefer a detached way of living.

While the Venus Pluto connection fears to be alone, the Venus Uranus connection fears to be bound.

The Venus Uranus connction needs lots of free space and air to let the relationship grow.

Distance only makes the heart grow fonder.

The more a person with a strong Venus Uranus connection lives in close and narrow circumstances with the partner, the more chances there will be a break up.

Attractions at first sight are what Venus Uranus connections will experience many times.

This connection makes one very popular and well-liked. It's a charming combo.

In the most extreme case of a very powerful connection, they may avoid any contacts though and live a solitary life.

People with Venus Uranus connections tend to be quite cool, unemotional because their notion of 'love' is on a more impersonal humanitarian level rather than on a one-on-one intimate and emotional level.

They can be friends with many.

Most women with this connection prefer a rather short hair cut.

Venus Uranus connections dislike routine and are attracted to partners with irregular or flexible working hours.

They are also attracted to unique and very creative persons that jump out in some way (either because of their status, money, possessions, assets, ...).

In their relationship choice they want a partner who sets them and the relationship apart.

They don't want a relationship that is comparable with other relationships.

Though they can be attracted to people with powerful Saturn connections, these relationships are most often doomed to fail because of the formalities, boundaries, obligations and duties which the partner bind.

Both Venus and Uranus love rhythm and this connection is most often the proof of the love for dance and/or music.

Also, it's a very creative and artistic combination.

The Venus Uranus connection is a very spontaneous one and people with this connection strong should not be forced to change their behavior.

They don't want to be pinned down and seldom use labels because their opinion is flexible and often unpredictable.

They will change if and when they see it fit.

Sunday 21 July 2013

Jupiter in Houses in Synastry

Synastry: Jupiter in a Partner's House
Luck, Abundance, and Expansion

Jupiter in a partner's first house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner’s first house, you put your partner into a happy, optimistic and expansive mood with your friendly generosity, encouragement, and assistance. You both love to go out and have fun together. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your first house, you may tend to exaggerate your experiences and accomplishments in order to make a point. You both love to plan and scheme together about travel and future adventures and endeavors.

Jupiter in a partner’s second house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner’s second house, you desire to enable him or her to increase his or her security by improving your partner’s financial standing. You are willing to provide your partner with encouragement and practical material assistance where possible. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your second house, openness to your partner’s help and fiscal honesty are required if you are going to acquire the expansion you desire in your money and possessions.

Jupiter in a partner's third house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner’s third house, your partner loves to talk with you because you expand his or her viewpoint and broaden intellectual horizons. Your communications tend to be open and uninhibited, freely covering a wide variety of topics and philosophical approaches. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your third house he or she encourages you to expand your education and thinking in order to get the larger picture. Your conversations may wander because you both are easily distracted and have difficulty staying on any one topic.

Jupiter in a partner's fourth house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner’s fourth house, you give your partner a feeling of happiness and expansiveness and stimulate his or her desire to make you an essential part of his or her family. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your fourth house, you desire to create a comfortable family with your partner because he or she gives you feeling of opportunity and abundance when you are together.

Jupiter in a partner's fifth house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner's fifth house, you stimulate expansive feelings of creativity and a desire to have fun, experience pleasure and enjoy yourselves together. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your fifth house, your partner joyfully encourages and promotes your creativity and you usually have good luck and good fun whenever you are together as a couple.

Jupiter in a partner's sixth house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner's sixth house, you take an interest in your partner’s work and thereby increase your partner’s enjoyment of work and raise his or her enthusiasm and optimism about the benefits of being of service to others. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your sixth house, your partner loves to assist you and be of practical service to you domestically and in terms of the work you do. This encourages you to trust in your future and develop your work skills improving yourself and your work environment.

Jupiter in a partner’s seventh house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner’s seventh house, your partner loves being with you because you make him or her feel optimistic and outgoing whenever you are together. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your seventh house, you regard him or her both as a good friend and an equal partner. Harmonious cooperation is part and parcel of your domestic life and you both enjoy going out, traveling, and socializing together.

Jupiter in a partner’s eighth house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner’s eighth house, you feel drawn into a very deep personal relationship where you experience the desire to merge resources, talents, and energies. You can both benefit financially by living together. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your eighth house, you will experience an intense personal bonding and will find it very hard to view yourself as separate from your relationship or your partner because of the material and emotional abundance you feel and achieve together.

Jupiter in a partner's ninth house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner’s ninth house, you enjoy traveling, vacationing, socializing, and going out together. You stimulate a feeling of optimism and interest in him or her, enriching your partner’s outlook on life through the rich variety of experiences that you share together. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your ninth house, you begin to see the broader perspective on life and living, increasing your interest and appreciation for travel and direct experience of new ideas, people, and foreign places.

Jupiter in a partner's tenth house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner's tenth house, you take a greater interest in expanding your partner’s career ambitions and are a great promoter of his or her talents and abilities. Your partner is encouraged by your support and willingness to assist him or her achieve greater recognition and pursue long term goals. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your tenth house, your partner has a strong interest in your achieving success and abundance. You can be very successful in business together.

Jupiter in a partner’s eleventh house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner’s eleventh house, you are friends as well as partners. You explore and participate in many like minded social circles and develop a wide variety of friends and acquaintances together. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your eleventh house, you really love and appreciate the friendship part of your relationship. Together you can be very active in catalyzing social progress and bringing people together into a larger political or humanitarian cause.

Jupiter in a partner's twelfth house:
When your Jupiter is in your romantic partner’s twelfth house, you will find yourself developing a broad interest in altruistic and humanitarian activities. You are part of each others spiritual attunement. When your relationship partner’s Jupiter is in your twelfth house, he or she understands you more intimately than any other does. Your relationship will give you a sense of optimistic trust in universal abundance, allowing you to let go of fear based attachments and concerns.

Source: http://relationship-astrology.blogspot.com/

Mars in Love

by Luc De Jaeger
Cosmic Technologies

In the natal chart, every planet and body represents some archetypes that are part of human life. Though the meanings of the planets and bodies differ between men and women, they still have some common characteristics.

In this article we will discuss the meanings of Mars in the natal chart and what it actually represents regarding your romantic life.

Mars is the ruler of the cardinal fire sign Aries, which is the 1st zodiac sign in the Tropical Zodiac.

The Universe starts so to speak with archetypal Aries traits so that Aries is all about a new beginning.

Because Mars rules this zodiac sign, it takes on most of its meanings.

Hence, Mars is active and action-oriented. Mars is the do-er and therefore, his main domain is just working and being busy.

That's why Mars is one of the most important work-related planets and if you want to know about your job, analyze Mars!

Because Mars rules the zodiac sign of the beginnings, Mars is still naive. It has not experienced everything and just wants to ignite, initiate and start something.
Hence, Mars is not very cerebral but just about raw physical urges that exist for the sake of just doing something.

Mars is not a thinker and thus able to act in too premature a way, resulting in some clashes and accidents.

Mars impulses are not steered properly and just lived out openly.

A predominant Mars makes for a very outgoing and spontaneous personality that tends to bump into somebody or something.

In matters of love, a predominant Mars will show someone who initiates and takes the first step.

A weak Mars (by sign) shows the opposite tendencies and is more hesitant and less spontaneous.

Mars is about raw energies and represents the purest physical and non-emotional, non-cerebral urges.

Therefore, Mars is linked to the sexual urges.

And for a reason because extravert and action-oriented Mars represents the penetrating force that is awaited by its counterpart, receptive Venus.

So, from this archetypal perspective, it's obvious that Mars needs to be interpreted differently in natal charts of women and men.

In the natal chart of women, Mars represents the archetypal male characteristics she longs for.

In the natal chart of a man, Mars primarily represents his work and job and secondarily his primal urges like his sex life.

Mars in the female chart

The archetypal picture of the man in a female chart can be delineated by looking at the position of Mars in the zodiac sign, house and its aspects and midpoints.

Below, we want to mention a couple of our findings that may help to delineate the Mars position.

Mars in Aries seeks the impulsive, even brash, 'primitive' man who loves speed. It can be an uncooperative and straightforward man.

Mars in Taurus is about the willful business-man, quite inert and set in his ways.

Mars in Gemini longs for a cerebral man with a keen intellect. He can be argumentative though.

Mars in Cancer adores home-loving men. They can be moody.

Mars in Leo loves a man of prominence or a man who is often in the spotlight. He needs to be gallant.

Mars in Virgo loves 'obedient' or subordinate men who are of service. It's a practical 'handy-man' who can be a workaholic though. In some instances he may be extremely critical.

Mars in Libra needs a mediator or diplomate and a distinguished or civilized man.

Mars in Scorpio loves a powerful and highly intense man who is able to share his passions. They can be reticent and jealous.

Mars in Sagittarius is always on the go so that a wanderer and/or a sports-minded man fits. Also, it's possible that the man is a foreigner or met in a foreign country. He should have quite some zeal.

Mars in Capricorn is about men in a uniform or who have positions in the corporate or political world. It's the dignified climber who loves to set boundaries.

Mars in Aquarius needs detached and independent men, who are often 'on the go.'

They should be cerebral and innovative and may have interests in humanitarian causes. They can be brusque though.

Mars in Pisces loves silent and more reclusive men. They should be very nature-loving but may face some addictions.

Of course, these delineations have to be blended with the aspects and house meanings.

Sunday 16 June 2013

The Vertex and Anti-Vertex in Synastry

When your Vertex is contacted by another person’s planet or point, a fated relationship is indicated. In my article which looked at common Synastry Aspects in the charts of married couples, I noticed the Vertex and/or Anti-Vertex of at least one of the partners was often activated. Strong Vertex and Anti-Vertex aspects in the Composite chart also indicate a fated union. Indeed, Composite Charts featuring a Vertex/Descendant conjunction are common among married, fated, “meant-to-be” relationships.

What is the difference between the Vertex and Anti-Vertex? The Vertex is considered a “second Ascendant,” while the Anti-Vertex is considered a “second Descendant.” As such, Vertex connections in synastry signify a highly personal connection. Some astrologers have said that the Anti-Vertex is less significant than the Vertex, but based on personal experience, as well as my observations of other synastry charts, I disagree. Perhaps these astrologers the Vertex is stronger in synastry because it is always found in someone’s 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th houses, which are the houses that represent our relationships with “others.” Having someone else’s planets in these houses (especially the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses), conjunct the Vertex or not, indicate a high level of compatibility and intimacy. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11th, 12th, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd houses), which relate to personal concerns and our private worlds. As such, if conjunctions to the Anti-Vertex occur in synastry, this person may become a significant part of your “inner world.” As someone who has had conjunctions to both my Vertex and Anti-Vertex in synastry, I can tell you the “pull” is equally strong in both cases.

The Vertex and anti-Vertex show us who we are unconsciously attracted to. When Vertex and Anti-Vertex aspects show up in synastry or composite, the two people are irresistibly attracted to one another. The Vertex owner feels the planet/point person is the “man/woman of their dreams.” You usually meet each other unexpectedly and ‘out of the blue.” It is fate that brings the two of you together, and you immediately feel a strong connection when you first meet. The feeling that the other person will change your life can be quite strong. You feel for this person in a way you’ve never felt before.

You will meet this person when your Vertex/Anti-Vertex is contacted by a transiting planet. I’ve also found that strong Vertex/Anti-Vertex connections in the Solar Return indicate the year in which you will meet that special someone.

For example, the year I met a man with whom I have a Vertex-Venus aspect in synastry, my Solar Return chart showed a Vertex-North Node conjunction in the 5th house of love and romance. In addition, the day I met him, transiting Mars was conjunct my natal Venus exactly.

Synastry Aspects with the Vertex

Sun- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: The Sun person’s ego expression and core-being encapsulates the Vertex person’s idea of the perfect mate. An instant friendship is indicated. There is a feeling of destiny between the two of you, and you feel that you can go the distance together.

Moon- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: This is an indication of an emotional, supportive, and nurturing connection. The Vertex person is unconsciously attracted to the Moon person’s emotional nature. There is a natural attraction to one another; you feel instantly safe and comfortable with one another. In fact, it can be so comfortable and wonderful, that it is difficult to be without one another!

Mercury- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: A strong intellectual and mental link exists when someone’s Mercury is conjunct or opposite another person’s Vertex. The two of you feel instinctively comfortable talking with one another. Unless there are strong romantic links in the rest of the synastry, this combination can feel like a brotherly-sisterly connection. I have this with a close friend of mine. I love talking to him, and I’m so attracted to his mind.

Venus- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: This is a prime indicator of a fated, romantic link that will change your life forever. The feelings of love and romance are incredibly strong. The Vertex person finds the Venus person beautiful, charming, and the “man/woman of their dreams.” The love is so strong that separating from one another is incredibly difficult.

Mars- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: This indicates a highly sexual link. The sexual charisma and assertiveness of the Mars person is highly attractive to the Vertex person. Sex is transformative and intense; you can’t get enough of one another!

Jupiter- Vertex/Anti-Vertex:  This connection indicates a benevolent union, full of generosity, good will, and indulgence! The two of you (especially the Vertex person) feel good about yourselves when you are together. The Jupiter can improve your career life and help you achieve your ambitions.

Saturn- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: The Saturn person acts as a stabilizing force in the Vertex person’s life. The Saturn person may be somewhat of a “fatherly” type to the Vertex person, offering practical advice and guidance. Saturn represents “karma,” while the Vertex represents “fate,” so the relationship is likely to have a highly significant effect on the both of them. The feeling of responsibility and commitment to the Saturn person is high, and it will be hard for the couple to separate because of this.

Uranus- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: The Uranus person acts as a revolutionizing, destabilizing force in the Vertex person’s life. The attraction is high, as is the sense of excitement when the two of them get together. Uranus opens the Vertex person’s mind to a variety of possibilities. The area in which the Uranus person revolutionalizes the Vertex person is represented by the house in which the conjunction resides.

Neptune- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: The Vertex person is magically drawn to the Neptune person. The Vertex person easily “loses” herself in the Neptune person, and feels as though the Neptune person fulfills their innermost dreams and fantasies of the perfect mate. This is a highly spiritual, magnetic, and dreamy relationship.

Pluto- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: The Pluto person has a transformative effect on the Vertex person. The two of you were destined to meet, indeed. This is an opportunity for the Vertex person’s personal growth, which will be achieved by a highly intense and sexual relationship with the Pluto person. Check which house the conjunction is in to get more details as to what kind of transformation will take place.

Node- Vertex/Anti-Vertex: This is one of the prime indicators of marriage in synastry. The Vertex person has a powerful effect on the Node person’s personality, helping them develop the qualities they need to develop in this life. The two of you were fated to meet, and were destined to learn a lot from one another. An instant sense of familiarity is indicated, since the South Node is being aspected by the other person’s Vertex or Anti-Vertex, as well. The two of you have certainly met before, and have unfinished business to take care of. The attraction is magnetic, powerful, and will transform the both of you forever. Check the house position the conjunction resides in order to get a better idea of how these energies will manifest in each person’s life.

For example, the love of my life’s North Node is conjunct my Vertex in the 8th house in Cancer. Our relationship was highly intimate, transformative, and sexually intense (8th house), as well as nurturing, loving, and caring. I greatly helped him develop sexually, as well as emotionally, and he had a similar effect on me. I will never, ever forget him, and he is still hanging on to our relationship, even though we broke up a long time ago.

Ascendant-Vertex: When someone’s Vertex is conjunct your Ascendant, your Vertex is conjunct their Ascendant. This is an indicator of an intense attraction. The two of you may easily stay together for the rest of your lives because of the intense attachment you feel for one another. The physical attraction is off the charts, and the feeling of attraction is instant. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have this aspect.

Descendant-Vertex: The two of you are inexplicably drawn to one another. A feeling of fatedness permeates your relationship. This is an excellent indicator of marriage or, at least, a very significant relationship, which will transform both person’s concepts of love and relationships forever.

Source: http://starscopestoday.wordpress.com/tag/venus-anti-vertex-synastry/

Astrology and your Soul’s Purpose

by Astrology Express

Life is fleeting and once that realization fully dawns one’s quest for meaning becomes very intense. Anything can trigger that bone deep realization: being close to death, falling in love, having a child or even wanting to realize a dream.

But it’s not just life-changing events that lead us to ask searching questions and explore our hearts; a life turned dull will do it. When I am with 20 somethings who have so many desires and limited means, I always tell them, “The money will come.” It does, too. Look at people in their 30s. Hard work, expertise and persistence pays off and they have the affluent and well organized lives they wanted. But with this comes curtailed freedom, ever growing responsibilities, stress and a dearth of time. The song that sings in younger hearts gets muted and as we age, we are perpetually running on the proverbial hamster wheel: making more materialistically and yet feeling a growing sense of dissatisfaction.

Assuredly it doesn’t happen to everyone because there are those people who seem to have a perpetual glow, an unlimited fund of energy and enthusiasm for their work and their lives whether they are 30, 40, 50 or 60. And there are others whose lives are criss-crossed by boredom and stress followed by binges or anything that perpetuates a peak experience. But the peak experiences are rare and most of life just seems mundane, dull, without luster. A meaningless exercise in fact.

So what’s going on? Losing touch with the soul purpose. When you’re in touch with your soul purpose and keep it in the forefront of your consciousness, your life becomes magical, meaningful, delightful. And you can experience it anywhere, anytime, no matter what you do or who you are.

Although there are sets of activities (or occupations) that are associated with different signs, what is even more important is our stance towards life. The signs that are predominant in your chart hold the key. You can read the below for your sun, moon and ascendant. And if you’re familiar with astrology or your chart and know the key astrological themes that operate for you, read for those.

These are small reminders or mantras that’ll reconnect you with your soul purpose. They’ll align you with the reason for your incarnated and once that alignment happens, life becomes enchanting.

Aries: I am the new, the birth. I am spring. I am vigor and courage. And everywhere I go I bring courage. I am the pioneer. I am here to overcome obstacles and this is my gift to every situation and to the people I meet.

Taurus: I am stability and safety and comfort. I am endurance and persistence. I am of the earth and I am here to participate in its bounty. I remind others by my presence of these things and I stabilize everything I touch, everyone I meet. This is my gift to the world at every moment of my life.

Gemini: I am curiosity and mental engagement. I am a love for language and words. I am the eye that notices every shine and sheen and follows it. I am the spirit seeking to learn and explore the world around it. In every moment, with every one I meet, I give the gift of my verbal dexterity and the unending charm of a mind that never loses its yearning for more and that stays forever young.

Cancer: I am the realm of feelings and moods and tears and laughter. I am the seeker and creator of warm cocoons of domesticity, of home. In every moment and in every interaction, I bring my sensitivity and infuse the world with the magical element of emotion. This is my gift and the world is enriched because of it.

Leo: I am joy and spontaneity and the sense of play tinged with drama and splashes of glamour. Wherever I go my vividness makes colors brighter for others and people feel more alive. I am the theater of life; courage and inspiration flow from my heart and this is the gift I give to the world around me and to myself.

Virgo: I am the seeker and keeper of details. I am the furrowed brow of intense focus on tasks. I radiate a quiet purity of purpose and my planet needs this to keep things spinning and functioning efficiently and effectively. I am the micro details that make all the difference. This is my joy and this is my gift to everyone whose lives I touch through my work.

Libra: I am tact and diplomacy, the twin pillars of peace and civilization. I need beauty and everything I do or am wears a mantle of loveliness. Colors, tones, hues, symmetry, harmony these are my areas of focus and I make the lives of everyone better when I pursue these. I give beauty and peace and harmony as gifts to everyone who’s around me.

Scorpio: I am intensity and a penetrating gaze that always seeks the truth below the surface of things. I am the unflinching gaze that can look at death, decay, deception and corruption and then shine a healing light on them by bringing them out of the darkness and into consciousness where they can be purged. Healer, detective, truth teller, there are the gifts of my soul to the world around me.

Sagittarius: I am the explorer, the wanderer. I am an unbound quest for distant horizons. I am the spirit of hope every gamble. The world is my home, I belong to no country but the country of truth. I am the clear and honest gaze that questions everything so that belief systems are in a constant state of renewal. This is my gift of the spirit for my world and its people.

Capricorn: I am the elder and I wear the mantle of my responsibility with a serious gravity. I am hard work and ambition and the builder of structure and empires. My contributions are solid and lasting and practical. I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders with an innate gravity and willingness; and I bring this to the world as my gift.

Aquarius: I can be quirky and eccentric because I am here to blast through what is no longer working. I seek to clear what has become ossified and replace it with something that will serve the future better. I am the change of Time. And this is my gift to my brothers and sisters of the planet.

Pisces: I am endless compassion. I am forgiving understanding of every shade of feeling in the human heart. Other realms reveal themselves to me and I am the mystic of mankind. I bring the light of divinity to everything I do: this is my service, this is my offering to our realm.

Source: http://astrologyexpressed.wordpress.com/2013/06/15/astrology-and-your-souls-purpose/

Marriage indicators in synastry

Determining marriage from a synastry chart can be challenging. Sometimes, “obvious” marriage indicators (i.e. planets in each other’s 7th house) fail to predict a couple’s future. After studying several synastry charts of married/long-lasting couples, there were a few aspects which stood out to me.

Squares to the North Node: These aspects are said to be indicators of star-crossed lovers. The nodal axis represents our life’s path: the South Node represents “where we’ve been,” while the North Node represents “where we’re going.” Squares to this axis in synastry indicate an instant feeling of familiarity and attraction to one another. It may be difficult for each person to resist the pull of the relationship. The planet person may be part of an unresolved issue the North Node is carrying from the past, and must resolve in this life.

Some examples:

  • Angelina Jolie’s Moon and Mars square Brad Pitt’s North Node
  • Paul Newman’s Sun squares Joanne Woodward’s North Node, and Joanne’s MC squares Paul’s North Node
  • Victoria Beckham’s Moon squares David’s North Node, Victoria’s North Node squares David’s vertex
  • Linda McCartney’s North Node squares Paul McCartney’s Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter
  • Cash Warren’s ascendant is square Jessica Alba’s North Node
  • Prince William’s Pluto squares Kate Middleton’s North Node, Kate’s Mars squares Will’s North Node
  • Julia Roberts’ Mars squares Danny Morder’s North Node
  • Oprah’s North Node squares Stedman’s Jupiter
  • Bill Clinton’s Sun squares Hillary’s North Node
  • Frank Sinatra’s North Node squares Nancy Sinatra’s Moon and Jupiter
  • Ava Gardner’s North Node squares Frank Sinatra’s Sun, Frank’s Jupiter squares Ava’s North Node

Planets in conjunction or opposition to another’s Vertex: The Vertex acts like a second Ascendant, while the anti-Vertex is like a second Descendant. The Vertex is often referred to as our “point of fate.” As a result, when someone’s planet or point conjuncts your Vertex or anti-Vertex, you feel drawn towards this person. The relationship feels fated, and can indeed change your life. You feel destined to be together, and this feeling can easily last a lifetime. One person’s North Node conjunct or opposite another person’s Vertex are apparently very common aspects to find among married partners.

Some examples:

  • Angelina’s Venus/Ascendant conjunct Brad’s Vertex, Brad’s Ascendant conjuncts Angelina’s Vertex
  • Frank Sinatra’s Vertex opposes Nancy Sinatra’s Venus, Nancy’s Vertex opposes Frank’s Part of Fortune
  • Paul Newman’s Moon conjuncts Joanne Woodward’s anti-Vertex; Joanne’s Moon and Mars conjunct Paul’s Vertex. Their Vertexes are conjunct.
  • Victoria Beckham’s anti-Vertex is conjunct David Beckham’s Mercury and opposite North Node.
  • Paul McCartney’s Vertex is conjunct Linda’s South Node
  • Prince William’s Vertex opposite Kate’s Venus
  • Julia Roberts’ North Node is conjunct Danny Morder’s anti-Vertex; Julia’s anti-Vertex is conjunct Danny’s Sun and Mercury. In addition, Danny’s North Node is conjunct Julia’s anti-Vertex
  • Oprah’s Mars conjuncts Stedman’s Vertex, Stedman’s Neptune is conjunct Oprah’s Vertex
  • Hillary Clinton’s Vertex is opposite Bill Clinton’s Moon

Part of Fortune: I was surprised to see how often conjunctions and oppositions of one person’s planets or points to another person’s Part of Fortune occurred in the charts of married couples!  The Part of Fortune (POF) is the synthesis of a person’s Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, so perhaps it should not be so surprising. The POF is a point that indicates good fortune. When another person’s planets or points conjunct or oppose your POF, they will likely help you increase your wealth and happiness, and achieve your goals. According to Robert Hand, the POF is also an indicator of the physical body and its relationships with the social world. Thus, it makes sense that POF aspects in synastry are often found in the synastry charts of married couples.

  • Joanne Woodwards’s POF is conjunct Paul Newman’s Sun
  • David Beckham’s Sun is conjunct Victoria’s POF, and David’s POF is conjunct Victoria’s Mars and Saturn
  • Paul McCartney’s POF is conjunct Linda’s Moon and Venus
  • Cash Warren’s POF is conjunct Jessica Alba’s Jupiter/Saturn conjunction
  • Prince William’s POF is opposite Kate Middleton’s POF, Kate’s POF is conjunct Wills’ North Node
  • Danny Morder’s POF is conjunct Julia Roberts’ Mercury, Danny’s Vertex is conjunct Julia’s POF
  • Stedman’s POF is conjunct Oprah’s Jupiter, Oprah’s POF is conjunct Stedman’s Sun, Mercury, and North Node
  • John Lennon’s POF is conjunct Yoko Ono’s POF
  • Hillary Clinton’s POF is opposite Bill’s Mercury and Saturn
  • Frank Sinatra’s POF is conjunct Nancy’s Anti-Vertex
  • Ava Gardner’s POF is opposite Frank Sinatra’s Sun and Mercury

Sun-Venus or Venus-Venus synastry aspects: Sun-Venus contacts in synastry are highly touted by astrologers, and for good reason! When this aspect appears in synastry, the couple feels affection and love for one another. If these contacts do not show up in synastry, Venus-Venus contacts can be substituted. When one person’s Venus contacts another person’s Venus, your love styles are similar. You easily get along, and instinctively know how the other person wants to be loved. The conjunction and opposition are most potent, and the trine and sextile are powerful, as well. These aspects indicate instant love and affection for one another, as well as a feeling of joy when you are together. These aspects can indicate a love that lasts forever. When this aspect is mutual, the love is even stronger.

  • Angelina’s Venus opposes Brad’s Venus
  • Paul Newman’s Venus sextiles Joanne’s Venus
  • David Beckham and Victoria Beckham have a Venus/Sun sextile double whammy
  • Paul McCartney’s Venus is opposite Linda’s Venus
  • Prince William’s Venus trines Kate’s sun, Kate’s Venus biquitiles Wills’ Sun
  • Danny Morder and Julia Roberts have a Sun/Venus bi-quintile double whammy
  • Stedman’s Venus is sextile Oprah’s Sun
  • John Lennon’s Venus is opposite Yoko’s Sun, Yoko’s Venus trines John’s Sun
  • Frank Sinatra’s Venus squares Nancy Sinatra’s Sun, Frank’s Sun squares Nancy’s Venus

Venus/Saturn Aspects : Saturn aspects in synastry are described as « relationship glue ». Saturn is the planet of commitment, while Venus is the planet of Love. As such, couples who have strong Venus-Saturn aspects (especially double-whammies!) in their Synastry charts have little problem committing to each other. These relationships are usually long-lasting.

  • Joanne Woodward’s Saturn conjuncts Paul Newman’s Venus, Paul’s Saturn trines Joanne’s Venus
  • Victoria Beckham’s Saturn is conjunct David’s Venus, David’s Saturn is trine Victoria’s Venus
  • Cash Warren’s Saturn trines Jessica Alba’s Venus, and her Saturn sextiles Cash’s Venus
  • Julia Roberts’s Saturn conjuncts Danny Morder’s Venus, Danny’s Saturn quincunxes Julia’s Venus
  • Oprah’s Saturn quincunxes Stedman’s Venus, Stedman’s Saturn trines Oprah’s Venus
  • John Lennon’s Saturn squares Yoko Ono’s Venus
  • Ava Gardner’s Saturn squares Frank’s Venus


Sunday 9 June 2013

Interception: What can be found in the secret drawers of the chart?

by Laetitia Kanafani, 2012

"Don't take for granted the power of(retrograde planets) or intercepted signs.

They make the chart unique. They make life complex.

They describe powers and potentials waiting to be unleashed. "

                                                                                                      Joanne Wickenburg

Interception is defined as follows: one (or two? rarely three) pair of signs in the chart does not appear on any house cusp, but instead is contained within houses that are larger than 30 degrees. Of course, this can only occur when one uses unequal house systems, since equal house systems have houses of 30 degrees.

Wickenburg presents the initial idea that whatever house system we use, the ascendant and the MC will remain constant. It is only when calculating the intermediate house cusps according to the table of Houses, that we will have differences, in the case of unequal house systems. And it is the latitude, in the table of Houses, which determines the result. So Wickenburg proposes that somehow this is an illustration of the effects of Destiny vs. Environment (symbolized by the latitude). The MC does not change , so your final "destiny" ("calling", "destination") does not change, but the environment's influence will appear, in that it may or may not support you along the way.

If we look at the chart, we see 12 houses, 12 signs, a perfect circle of symmetry. This circle is based on the fact that everything works in polarity. For every point there is an opposite and equidistant point. And our 12 houses and 12 signs work in pairs opposing and complementing each other. This polarity is so very important because it brings on objectivity. For everything , there is an equal and opposite thing. And so the scales are balanced. If we think about the polarities of the 6 pairs of signs in our chart, we are constantly trying to balance them. And when an interception occurs, it is as if the balancing of the scales must be done in the dark. Instead of being able to see at a glance, whether or not your scales are balanced, between Aries and Libra, for example, you are in total darkness (no objectivity) and you must feel your way slowly and tediously, to figure out whether the scales are tipping this way or that way, and what needs to be added or removed on either side to bring them to a balance. Of course, the easiest thing to do would be to be able to switch the light on, and see clearly. This is what can occur, when the interception is unlocked.

Alice Miller "describes an interception as a hole in the chart. Psychologically, it describes an area missing from the childhood developmental environment. With an intercepted chart, during the formative years, there are neither mirrors nor ego instructions involving the signs and planets within the interception. This leaves us with a psychological, or social, disability. (…) by the current description of optimal family interaction, it signifies a dysfunctional birth family."

Chris McRae sheds light on the way interception functions. She describes the psychological process involved as an "intensification due to internalization".  She explains that "when we internalize a basic need it gains a great deal of intensity. It becomes a need we struggle to fulfill in our outer experience. (…) The internal expression may create certain frustrations for a period of life and should not be considered an impairment or a personality flaw but an opportunity of internal growth and understanding in those sign urges".

If we think about the 6 polarities in terms of our needs and dilemmas, we can try to define the 12 signs as follows:

Aries and Libra: the need to initiate action, bravely discover and assert our desire versus the need to share with others and maintain harmony.  If Pisces is on the cusp of Aries, it is necessary to translate idealism into action. And with Virgo on the cusp of Libra, analytical work must be put at the service of others; the results of your efforts must be shared.

Taurus and Scorpio: the need to get tangible results and produce something of value versus the need to combine resources and transform (accumulate vs let go). If Aries is on the cusp of Taurus, you may be seen as a leader, but you also need to acquire the endurance to create something lasting. And with Libra on the cusp of Scorpio, "diplomacy" may overshadow your inner power and intensity, robbing you of the chance to transform, and regenerate.

Gemini and Sagittarius: the need to think about a variety of ideas/ information, and to communicate efficiently versus the need to broaden your understanding and find meaning (your own philosophy). If Taurus is on the cusp of Gemini, stability and attachment to material results may stifle intellectual curiosity and mental stimulation, and fixed ideas may close the channels of communication. And with Scorpio on the cusp of Sagittarius, a deep, powerful and intense approach gets in the way of expanding the mind to future possibilities, to optimism.

Cancer and Capricorn: the need for emotional growth and security versus the need for goal achievement and social status. If Gemini is on the cusp of Cancer, you may have a mental approach to a variety of experiences but you may have difficulty confronting and dealing with emotions. And with Sagittarius on the cusp of Capricorn, it may be challenging to figuring out how and when to stop expanding (over-extending) and define appropriate limits which would allow you to build something solid out of your philosophy.

Leo and Aquarius: the need for creative self-expression and for recognition versus the need for this creativity to serve social concerns (beyond ego concerns). If Cancer is on the cusp of Leo, it is not enough for you to care for and nurture others, your will and creative strength need an outlet. And with Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius, it is not enough for you to be a respected part of social structure, your individuality and difference must be given a chance to shine.

Virgo and Pisces: the need to analyze and perfect the self and put it to service versus the need to accept things the way they are, let go, and experience faith. If Leo is on the cusp of Virgo, you may be seen as stable, fixed, reliable, but inside, you doubt yourself and cannot find ways to correct yourself and become useful. And if Aquarius in on the cusp of Pisces, your difference and uniqueness leave your vulnerability misunderstood, and you cannot reach faith from behind the "glass" of Aquarius.

McRae points out to the fact we should not minimize the influence of an interception: even a single pair of interception can actually affect 50% of the chart. She explains that if one pair of signs is intercepted and therefore somehow blocked and delayed in its expression, this will affect how the native will express the pair of signs preceding the interception and the pair of signs following it. In total 6 signs are affected, that is, half the chart.

How to unlock the intercepted polarity? The first door is actually the house cusp, and its key is its ruler. One must become very good at the process described by the sign on the cusp, and an expert at using its ruler in whatever sign and house it finds itself. Then, you bump into something you didn't even know was there: the interception. Now you must look for a second key, somewhere else: the intercepted sign's ruler. By placement, this ruler can give hints about how and where the intercepted sign's needs went unanswered and unmet by your environment. This may have happened either by a lack of something, or on the contrary, by an over-emphasis. The house it is in will point out the area where a new and personalized approach will be necessary.

Here are some keywords associated with each house placement, to represent the themes needing to be addressed differently from the way one's environment addressed them, either by under or by over emphasis.

If the ruler is in the 1st house: self-image, appearance, personality.

If the ruler is in the 2nd house: self-worth, personal resources, talents, values, economic stability.

If the ruler is in the 3rd house: educational requirements, academic skills, speech function, community participation, relations with siblings.

If the ruler is in the 4th house: personal foundation, sense of belonging, security, family background, roots.

If the ruler is in the 5th house: creative and recreational interests, procreation, entertainment, risk taking.

If the ruler is in the 6th house: daily routine, work, body and health, daily management, co-workers.

If the ruler is in  the 7th house: interpersonal relationships, marriage, partnerships.

If the ruler is in the 8th house: intimacy, sex, deeper meaning of life, death, separation, shared resources.

If the ruler is in the 9th house: religion, higher education, principles, morals, ethics, philosophical ideals, prejudice, fanaticism.

If the ruler is in the 10th house: success, recognition, fame, authority, your "place" in terms of "standing".

If the ruler is in the 11th house: larger community within which you interact socially, friends, social causes, dreams, hopes, aspirations.

If the ruler is in the 12th house: spirituality, karma, mysteries of life, social service, sacrifice, secrets, privacy, suffering.

The ruler shows where something must and can be done to help unlock the interception. If it is also intercepted, it is twice as hard, and it is twice as important to find your answers within.

The chart has a mechanism of symmetry as we mentioned, and therefore interception happens in two parts: if one pair of signs is locked in two houses, then one pair of houses is locked in two signs: these are the intercepted houses, or duplicated signs. In other words, one pair of signs is repeated on 2 consecutive house cusps and "intercepts" a pair of houses. Is this nature's way to compensate for the frustration of interception, Wickenburg asks? Because, here, in the intercepted houses,  there is a chance for the native to make an impact on the environment, rather than the other way round. Here you are seen, and so here, you have a responsibility. The planets ruling the duplicated signs work overtime, and the duty, here, is to transfer the energy from the first house to the second house with the same sign. Because you are already very well versed and developed in matters concerning the first house, dwelling on it will not promote growth and development. Things are too easy, and so you need a new outlet: the area described by the following house with the same sign. In the same way that we first have to master a positive expression of the sign on the cusp of the intercepted sign in order to access the interception, again we need to transfer our expertise of the 1st house in duplicated signs to the following house, in order to grow into our very best potential. Once the activities of the 2 houses are somehow integrated, then the interception begins to unlock.

Wickenburg defines the duplicated signs/intercepted houses in terms of powers:

-Intercepted 1st house (same sign on 1st and 2nd house cusps) gives us  the power of personality: make your personality an asset, use your personal power to produce value.

-Intercepted 2nd house (same sign on 2nd and 3rd house cusps) gives us the power of productivity: acquire new skills, new information, new associations and communicate your values.

-Intercepted 3rd house (same sign on 3rd and 4th house cusps) gives us the power of knowledge: use information in emotionally gratifying ways, not just collecting info for the sake of it, but finding what info allows you to make your base secure.

-Intercepted 4th house (same sign on 4th and 5th house cusps) gives us emotional power: use your past experiences, your inheritance, and emotional strength, to be creative. Express your emotional power.

-Intercepted 5th house (same sign on 5th and 6th house cusps) gives us the power of creativity: use your creativity in a productive enterprise, use your talents in your work. Have fun and express yourself at work.

-Intercepted 6th house (same sign on 6th and 7th house cusps) gives us the power of daily management: work in partnership.

-Intercepted 7th house (same sign on 7th and 8th house cusps) gives us people power: use your ability to attract relationships in order to find opportunity to regenerate. Learn to do the work involved in actually maintaining the relationship.

-Intercepted 8th house (same sign on 8th and 9th house cusps) gives us the power of regeneration: use your experience of the process of death and rebirth to develop a philosophy embracing the meaning of that experience.

-Intercepted 9th house (same sign on 9th and 10th house cusps) gives us the power of convictions: act on your convictions, stand for them in the public eye. Build your career on your principles.

-Intercepted 10th house (same sign on 10th and 11th house cusps) gives us the power of influence: use your earned social position for a social cause which can benefit from your professional skills.

-Intercepted 11th house (same sign on 11th and 12th house cusps) gives us group power: become aware that group work for social change can bring about healing on a larger scale. Move on from involvement to compassion.

-Intercepted 12th house (same sign on 12th and 1st house cusps) gives us power of the past? of inner life? of karma?: perhaps some karmic mission was left unfinished. Unconscious energy is projected outwards. Bring it out and show others how to live in accordance to one's inner life.

The mechanism behind the interception in a chart works like the system of a japanese safe-chest with secret drawers. If you open the drawers in a specific sequence you can access a secret compartment hidden under one of the regular drawers. If you do not follow that sequence, you are not able to access the secret compartment which is where the valuables are usually hidden…. It is the same for the intercepted signs. If you find the first key, ruler of the house cusp, and then the second key, ruler of the intercepted sign, you are then able to access whatever is contained in the interception: the intercepted planet. This planet also rules other areas of the chart where fulfillment will depend on your unlocking the interception. Again, this is why they commonly assign delays, hard work and frustration to intercepted planets.

-Intercepted Sun (and the house of Leo): a particularly challenging situation, because the sun is meant to integrate all other planetary energies with full consciousness. The sense of ego, purpose, importance, needs to be built alone. The power of the will, and the essence of the personality remains elusive until you find the voice inside of you.

-Intercepted Moon (and the house of Cancer): this may point to the past, to the relation with mother. It is the protective function which may be hindering growth because of obsolete past emotional reactions. Confronting and addressing intense emotions will be necessary.

-Intercepted Mercury (and the houses of Gemini and Virgo): the messenger, the mediator between the different parts is not accessible. You have no access to the necessary information, you are unable to communicate. You need to gather information from hidden, unusual sources, and find the freedom to communicate and learn in your own way.

-Intercepted Venus (and the houses of Taurus and Libra): your capacity to value and appreciate, and to form valuable relationships is not available. Venus functions as a magnet, but here it is not able to attract what you want and the types of people you would like to interact with. Your environment does not help you to establish your worth or your personal needs.

-Intercepted Mars (and the houses of Aries and Scorpio): the initiator: how to act upon your desire? Again, you have had no help, no training, from your environment. You end up doing too much or too little, until you find your own style.

-Intercepted Jupiter (and the houses of Sagittarius and Pisces): the "great benefic" , the "guardian angel" , needs freedom to explore, experience, and discover the meaning behind the experience. Here the environment does not offer access to those experiences .

-Intercepted Saturn (and the houses of Capricorn and Aquarius): the great teacher, training you in discipline, responsibility, limits, boundaries, structure, order, self respect. Here you cannot access that inner teacher easily, and have trouble finding your place. You must come up with your own structure, carve out your own place, with little input from your environment.

The last 3 planets operate on an unconscious, impersonal and indiscriminate level. They may be more complex to access, or understand.

-Intercepted Uranus (and the house of Aquarius): the rebel, the maverick, who is able to be an independent individual, original and unique, detached but also connected to the rest of humanity. The environment doesn't offer opportunities for exciting experience, for expressing that rebel in you. Again, you may end up doing too much or too little about it.

-Intercepted Neptune (and the house of Pisces): the believer. Here the environment does not offer positive concepts of faith, inspiration, spirituality. Even when you do finally access the source of your inner faith, chances are that, again, the environment is not attuned to it.

-Intercepted Pluto (and the house of Scorpio): the phoenix, the creature in us who is able to die and be reborn from its ashes. Your ability to transform and hence contribute to evolution is not supported by an environment which offers no chances for regeneration. It is not able to recognize your ability to make a difference in the big picture.

When we study the progressions and the transits for a chart, we are able to see the timing for the unlocking of intercepted signs and planets.

A slow planet transiting an intercepted sign, making aspect to an intercepted planet, is very noteworthy. A progression which brings an intercepted sign onto a house cusp, or a planet out of an intercepted sign, etc…

According to De Faria, because interception is of Saturnian nature (restrictive), the Saturn cycle is also key to understanding the unfolding of interception. He believes that nothing is likely to occur in terms of unlocking, before the first Saturn return. He also calls the phase after an interception has been unlocked a rebirth. It is an interesting idea because it points out to the fact that nothing will be the same again after you have managed to access the energy trapped in the intercepted signs and planets.

From his book, some examples of celebrities who have intercepted planets in their charts:

Picasso, intercepted Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune.

Woody Allen, intercepted Sun, Mercury, Jupiter.

John Lennon, intercepted Venus, Neptune.

Miles Davis, intercepted Moon, Mercury, Saturn.

Madonna, intercepted Mars, Neptune.

Source: http://www.ncgr-turkey.com/interception.htm

More reading:

