Sunday 8 January 2017

Are You Twin Flame Material?

Twin Flame love symbol image

There is a lot of confusion about what a Twin Flame really is and also about the true purpose of a Twin Flame union on earth. So let me begin by clarifying some of the truths and myths about Twin Flames:

A Twin Flame is…

  • literally your other half
  • someone who will unite with you on earth when you are both ready to form a divine vessel for grace and unconditional love to flow out into the world
  • always with you in spirit, even when not physically close
  • someone who embodies the divine feminine/masculine in a way that is complementary to you
A Twin Flame is not…
  • a romantic partner in the traditional, third dimensional sense
  • something that we all get to experience physically in our current incarnation
  • necessarily the same age
  • someone who walks up to you out of the blue and tells you they are your Twin Flame (inner knowing, not words!)
The most common reason for forming Twin Flame relationships here on earth is because old souls are ready to come together to serve in this capacity. These two souls will have a contract to meet up.
However, free will still comes into play and the readiness of each Flame will be tested. The Flame who has spent more time in meditation and done more work in terms of personal/spiritual development will be quicker to remember.
It can be really painful to meet up with your twin flame before they are ready; It is one of the biggest tests of our trust in the ultimate goodness of the Divine that we can encounter here on earth. Please do not despair if this has happened to you. All will be well.
It could be said that Twin Flame love is the most elevated form of divine service, as it becomes physical evidence of unconditional love and divine union which transcends polarity.
Again, the whole purpose of the Twin Flame relationship is service in the form of full embodiment of the I AM presence here on earth.
This does not mean that you and your Flame are some kind of “spiritual upper class,” it simply means that you have reached this stage of your journey by the grace of God.
Some of the signs that you are ready for Twin Flame love are:
  • a deep, abiding desire to be a reflection of God’s love and light in the world
  • an inner knowing that your Twin Flame is also on the earth plane
  • a deep, abiding trust in your own inner knowing
  • an awareness that you are here to usher in fifth dimensional living
  • a knowing since childhood that there is only One soul that you can unite with in perfection (not to be confused with the Hollywood ideal of the perfect romance!)
  • trust that all is well and will be well, always
I have created a Tarot spread  for Lightworkers who want to explore their own readiness for a Twin Flame relationship.
1. Your Readiness to Serve in Twin Flame Capacity
2. Soul’s Purpose Check-Up (you)
3. Soul’s Purpose Check-Up (your Twin Flame)
4. Karmic issue/challenge (you)
5. Karmic issue/challenge (your Twin Flame)
6. How you are already connected (tune into your inner knowing and allow the card image to take you on a journey until you feel a ‘click’ and recognise the connection)
7. Divine guidance about the synchronicities that will bring you together (timing may be indicated here if you are indeed about to be united)
8. Outcome – Shows the most likely outcome in terms of serving together with your Twin Flame in this incarnation.
Use a Tarot deck dedicated to lightwork for this reading, such as the Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue or the Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori.
Please feel free to share your own readings, questions and comments below and don’t forget to share this post on all your social networks if you believe it might be helpful to fellow seekers!
Blessed be!
☆ Lisa Frideborg